Cannot restore purchase
Cannot restore purchase
Hi, I’ve been using Soloslides to turn my old iPad into a digital frame. I wasn’t able to upgrade to premium on the old iPad so I used a new one. Back to the old iPad, I couldn’t restore my purchase. I am quite sure I used the same ID. Could you please help me?
Re: Cannot restore purchase
I'm afraid this is outside of the app's ability - this is iOS itself. You'll need to talk to Apple.
One thing I can tell you that's confusing is that on older versions of iOS such as the one you're likely using on the older iPad, there can be multiple Apple IDs signed in the same time. You need to specifically check for Apps: open the Settings App and find the apple id signed in for App Store...
One thing I can tell you that's confusing is that on older versions of iOS such as the one you're likely using on the older iPad, there can be multiple Apple IDs signed in the same time. You need to specifically check for Apps: open the Settings App and find the apple id signed in for App Store...
Please write a review for Wifibooth on the Apple App store! Indie developers like me really need people like you to review their apps. Instructions on how to write a review:
Re: Cannot restore purchase
Understood. Indeed I checked the ID on Appstore and it was the right one. I managed to solve the issue by deleting and reinstalling the Solo Slides app.