Standard Filter

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Standard Filter

Postby Hembo » Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:44 am

I want to create a Photobox wich takes photos, putting it in a collage and automatically ad a filter by autopilot.

Is it possible to deactivate the effect section and also get a standard, pre defined filter like the vintage 70’s for the whole event ?
It would be awesome if it is possible to integrate this.

I build a vintage style Photobox and all photos should look like the vintage 70’s filter wich is already possible in the Wifibooth editing.

Thanks !

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Re: Standard Filter

Postby tim » Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:41 am

Hi Andy
Sorry at the moment this isn't possible but I will put it on the list for things to think about!
Please write a review for Wifibooth on the Apple App store! Indie developers like me really need people like you to review their apps. Instructions on how to write a review:

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Re: Standard Filter

Postby tinydeerstudio » Tue Nov 26, 2019 6:00 pm

Checking on this to see if it is still something being considered! I also have a very stylized booth setup and would very much like to have a specific filter automatically applied.

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