Suggestion: Show Overlay whilst taking photos

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Suggestion: Show Overlay whilst taking photos

Postby DJWDISCOS » Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:01 pm

Hi Tim, Really enjoying using the app, all my guests love it!

One thing I find is that peoples faces are being covered on photos by my custom borders created to match events. Is there a way to make the custom overlay show up on the live image whilst photos are being taken?


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Re: Suggestion: Show Overlay whilst taking photos

Postby tim » Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:17 pm

Hi at the moment this isn't available. I'll add it to the thinking-about-it list.
Please write a review for Wifibooth on the Apple App store! Indie developers like me really need people like you to review their apps. Instructions on how to write a review:

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