New PRO user request: Option to send image via text message and others...

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New PRO user request: Option to send image via text message and others...

Postby funflicks » Sun Nov 05, 2017 8:10 am

Great product!

I have other competitor products, and the Pro version of yours accomplishes so much at a more realistic price point for the small business user. I admit I just discovered your app, and pulled the trigger on the annual fee as it offers some really nice featured for the minimal investment, so maybe I have missed some of the features below.

I see a lot of requests for features I am interested in in your forums:

- a live stream of captured photos that I can show as a slideshow at event: I use IFTTT to push the images to either Flickr, Google Photos, or Dropbox - but none of those has a slideshow tool that picks up new images. Not a limitation of your product, but a need that could be filled.

- a UI where we can dial down user interaction - i.e. touch to start and then at end offer them print, text, email options - whichever the event is configured to support - I have seen this a few times in the posts, and definitely see that is a big benefit.

- and of course, text messaging capability. Perhaps only available for WifiBooth users that use an iPad with cellular.

I admit I just discovered your app, and pulled the trigger on the annual fee as it offers some really nice featured for the minimal investment, so maybe I have missed some of the features below.

I love the fact you are very actively engaged in your product!

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Re: New PRO user request: Option to send image via text message and others...

Postby tim » Sun Nov 05, 2017 4:41 pm

Thanks, glad you like Wifibooth.
Re slideshow: yeah, i'm thinking about that.
Re dialing down user interaction: that's what the Autopilot feature is for, please try it out. Note: it behaves different if you're printing or not, so first turn printing on/off (dropdown -> switch), then set autopilot
Re texting: yeah, i'm thinking about that too :) shouldn't be too hard. Just haven't had time yet. But the issue here is the same as when you have email: if your camera needs the wifi of your ipad to connect to the camera, then your ipad doesn't have internet access even if it has cellular access, because all packets go over wifi no matter what (apps don't have the access to change this)
Please write a review for Wifibooth on the Apple App store! Indie developers like me really need people like you to review their apps. Instructions on how to write a review:

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