Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

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Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby AlekiCornski » Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:56 am

Hello Tim,

I´m still having problems with my setup so I´m writting here.

This was and idea: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82 (on supported camera list, bought for this project) with external flash (bought for this project), IPad Air (IOS 12.1.1, bought for this project) and Iphone 5S (IOS 10.3.3, also bought for this project)/tried with up to date Iphone SE too.

We would like to use Wifibooth because we need to have printer in different location than booth itself.

Here are issues:
1) When nothing connected to Ipad and using only Ipad camera and internet connection by wifi, Wifibooth is not uploading to Dropbox.
2) When using Lumix camera, pictures are not downloading to Ipad (lowest size, JPGes only, fast card formatted and one picture taken by camera), picture is taken and stored on SD card, but loading circle don´t move and then app is going to liveview again.
3) I used function, where guest could only take one pictures, then it showes them picture with border for few secs and then liveview again, after last update where is written "CHANGED: Guest can now continue from the collage screen without selecting any actions" this doesn´t work for me and I don´t know how to do that again.
4) Tried to provide internet connection by Blueprint on Iphone, because Ipad is using wifi to connect with Lumix. Blueprint shows for example Pending:8 OK:0 Fail:289 (still going up)

Not sure if this is everything I managed that is not working, but it really grinds my gears because I did my research and now it´s not working after I tried my best. Hope you will provide solutions because day D (and it´s not wedding) is comming really fast.

Thanks in advance for your response.
Last edited by AlekiCornski on Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby tim » Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:59 am

Woah, that is a lot of things not working!

It sounds like you had photos loading from the Panasonic onto the iPad at one point, but this has stopped working, is this correct? One thing you should make sure: before you connect WIfibooth to the camera, make sure there is at least one photo taken by that camera on its memory card

I'm trying to figure out a reason why dropbox would not be working for you. Does Wifibooth show it is signed into dropbox? One thing to check: make sure you dropbox is not full (still has space free). If that isn't the problem, if you are comfortable with it you could PM me the dropbox username/password and I will test it here, figure out what is going on.

Re having one photo taken, immediately showing fullscreen preview, then going back to home screen: I don't understand how the update changed this for you... it has always been the case that if you have autopilot on full and printing turned on, then it will prompt you to print (or automatically print N copies). If you turn printing off, it won't prompt you. Perhaps you had printing turned off when you tried this last time? If you could tell me exactly what settings you had, I could try to reproduce the behavior on the older version...

EDIT: updated last paragraph
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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby AlekiCornski » Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:47 pm

Tried a lot of different setups so now I´m not sure if that worked. I can get photo from Lumix app. EyeFi is not solution, because of need of template for collage.

I red about that "on photo before" thing and did that, still did not work.

Dropbox is not for sure full, I made new one for this. Wifibooth made new files in dropbox and then left them empty. No new picture. But in fact I need to get one picture collages from Ipad to different computer by cloud (could be Dropbox or Icloud, where will be person printing pictures)

Day D was til Christmas :D It will be placed in interactiv exhibit for children where theme is Bee we did.( ... za-sluncem). Our photobooth is made from three wooden hexagons where is Ipad, camera and flash. Very nice build and I will send you photos of it after it will work, if you want :D

So right now as soon as possible it is going work, it will be good for us.

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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby tim » Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:58 pm

Seems like we are discussing a lot of issues, so i'm having trouble following you.
Let's make this simpler by focusing on just 2 issues to start with:
(1) dropbox issue
(2) Panasonic FZ-82 issue

For (1): if Wifibooth is creating folders successfully, but not uploading photos, then can you please tell me which switches are enabled on your dropbox settings screen? Ie. "upload and share collages", "upload and share all photos", "upload gifs" -- which are enabled?

Also for (1): please set wifibooth to the iPad camera, turn on the dropbox setting "Upload and share all photos", then have wifibooth take some photos. Please check if these get uploaded to dropbox or not. Please also verify that the ipad can open safari and successfully load the web-page (ie. internet access is "normal")

For (2): Did I understand you correctly that Wifibooth connects to your FZ-82 successfully, shows live-view correctly, instructs the camera to take photos and this does happen (the camera does take photos) ... but the photos never download to the app?
Also, can you please tell me how the wifi is setup for the FZ-82: do you connect the FZ-82 to a wifi hotspot (outgoing connection), or, do you connect the iPad's wifi to the wifi of the FZ-82?
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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby AlekiCornski » Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:14 pm

I tried set autopilot again and now it asked me, if I want to gust interaction or not, so this one is working right now with ipad camera.

(1) Collages and photos are ON, gifs are OFF. Tried by Ipad camera, no pictures uploaded to dropbox. In Events screen is written "Uploading now <3" and after few secs it shows "Dropbox failed, sign in again". Did that, Dropbox asked for access, allowed that. Dropbox in Safari working.

(2) Yeah, you are correct. Ipad is connected to FZ-82 directly.

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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby tim » Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:24 pm


For (1), in wifibooth please sign out of dropbox. Then:
1. if the Dropbox app is installed on the ipad, please delete it
2. open safari, go to, and manually sign-out of dropbox
3. open Wifibooth, sign into dropbox again, and test again.
Did this fix it?

For (2), please kill wifibooth (swipe it away), open Settings app -> Wifibooth, turn on the switch "Slower camera", then start wifibooth again.
Any change?
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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby AlekiCornski » Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:44 pm

(1) No dropbox app on Ipad. Sign out dropbox in wifibooth. Sign out in safari (actually was not signed so did in and out. Signed dropbox in wifibooth again and nothing. In dropbox file called by event is written "Only you have access" nothing about wifibooth app, is that right?

(2) Did that. In setting is aslo FAST CAMERA ON by default right? Nothing changed (I am gonna try it with Nikon D5300, Lumix GH5 and GH5S, if it´ll be different)

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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby AlekiCornski » Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:50 pm

(2) Tried Wifibooth on Iphone with FZ-82 and same issue. Maybe FZ-82 is not capable of this.

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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby AlekiCornski » Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:59 pm

Switched OFF "faster camera" in app setting and picture was downloaded :)

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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby tim » Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:13 pm

Oh right - for sure no Panasonic camera is going to work with "Faster camera" turned on, how did that get on :D Hey great that we solved this one!

Re Dropbox. I'm wondering if your event name has something to do with it. Can you show me (in a photo) the exact name of the event? I'm wondering if some characters like č might be doing it
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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby AlekiCornski » Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:32 pm

Yes, you don´t know how I was happy when pink circle started to do something :D

Not "č" or "š" or "ř" or "ž" or other weird letters our language have involved. It´s called simply "Wifibooth_sladovna" :)

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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby tim » Thu Jan 03, 2019 8:48 pm

Ha, great. Well i'm definitely hoping to make you happy again by somehow getting your dropbox working!
I tried making an event with exactly that name, and Dropbox uploads are working fine for me.
I am guessing there is something different about your dropbox account that Wifibooth is stumbling on. So, to make further progress i'm afraid I need you to give me access to your dropbox account (ie. give me an email address + password that I can log into it with). Or access to any other account, that has the same problem on your end.
For example: if you create a brand-new Dropbox account right now, does it also have this problem? If yes, then you could give me access to that account instead!
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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby AlekiCornski » Fri Jan 04, 2019 8:34 am

Thanks a lot for helping. Tried my personal Dropbox and it´s working.

Here is login to corrupted dropbox:

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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby tim » Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:01 am

OK got it. The Dropbox upload fails with "email_not_verified". So I think all you need to do is follow the steps here and you'll be good to go!
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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby AlekiCornski » Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:10 am

My bad :/ thanks a lot for help, one of the best customer services I have ever met :)

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Re: Panasonic Lumix FZ-82, Blueprint, Dropbox,... issues

Postby tim » Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:34 am

No problem, you are welcome! If you're up for leaving a 5* review explaining your experience, it would really help me!
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