How to Delete Wifibooth Photos in Google Drive

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How to Delete Wifibooth Photos in Google Drive

Postby sustainednote » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:01 pm

My 2 iPADs upload photos to Google Drive using WifiBooth. It's been a few years of them building up and I need to delete them to make space on my Google Drive. But when I delete them on my laptop Google Drive, they seem to still be there on my ipad. So I deleted the source files on my iPAD Photos app and then delete them in my Google Drive. But they still seem to be showing up. Is there a backup happening that I don't see?

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Re: How to Delete Wifibooth Photos in Google Drive

Postby tim » Wed May 15, 2024 9:46 am

First, thank you for using Wifibooth for years, that is nice to hear :)

Wifibooth isn't doing any backup, no. But I'm guessing maybe you have iCloud Photo sync or iCloud Photo library turned on, and these photos are backed up from your camera roll (photos app) to iCloud?
Please write a review for Wifibooth on the Apple App store! Indie developers like me really need people like you to review their apps. Instructions on how to write a review:

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