App slowing down printer

SoloLink is an iOS app that shares your printer(s) over Bluetooth and Wi-Fi so that you can stay connected to your camera and be able to print. It can also share your iPhone's camera to Wifibooth.
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App slowing down printer

Postby ruval005 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:38 pm

When I print from the app my print speed slows down to 2 minutes and 10 seconds as opposed to my printers advertised speed of 45seconds which does this time no problem when I tell my iPad to print straight from my its photo gallery app. Is this common for the app the slow down the print speed?

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Re: App slowing down printer

Postby tim » Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:54 pm

If you print one of the same photos saved by the app by using the Apple Photos app is it the same speed?
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Re: App slowing down printer

Postby ruval005 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:58 pm

Negative. So if i tell the ipad to print the same photo that the app automatically stores into the ipad via the photo gallery it cuts down the time back down to 45 seconds. In other words the same photo takes 2 minutes to print if i tell it to print through the wifibooth app and prints at 45 seconds when i tell it to print through the regular photo gallery

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Re: App slowing down printer

Postby tim » Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:11 pm

Ok. And are you printing via sololink or direct from wifibooth?
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Re: App slowing down printer

Postby ruval005 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:16 pm

Ive tried both. Utilizing apple airprint both times. I even tried lowering the jpg sizes on the dslr im using to see if that would help it but that did not take either. Thank you btw for the timely responses.

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Re: App slowing down printer

Postby ruval005 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:22 pm

There is also nothing else being uploaded such as dropbox email or any other feature. Ive been reading on your forums and i seem to be the first to come across this. Perhaps no one has tried this before? Perhaps you can try on your own devices at home and see if the same thing happens to you?

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Re: App slowing down printer

Postby tim » Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:32 pm

There’s no slowdown that we’ve seen on printing, but there are so many variables that i don’t doubt it is possible. I asked about sololink bc the xfer from wifibooth->sololink takes time and that would account for it. But if you are printing straight from wifibooth im not sure what is happening. That is a large slowdown too. Is the ipad really old and you’re downsizing a giant jpg? You tried the smallest jpg right?
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Re: App slowing down printer

Postby ruval005 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 10:13 pm

It is the ipad 11 pro relatively new from what i can tell. The one with the orange swirlies when you see it on amazon lol. And yes i went from the largest possible jpg which was 25mbs to the smallest which is 3.8 mbs

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Re: App slowing down printer

Postby tim » Fri Sep 17, 2021 7:12 am

The size of jpg your printer needs is like 1mb but the app should be resizing it down…
If you try turning on the setting “downsize images to print resolution” on settings -> taking photos, does this make a difference?
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Re: App slowing down printer

Postby ruval005 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:23 pm

Unfortunately playing with the settings you recommended didnt help the situation. Im going to try and see of it is the printer. Ill stay in touch to see if a different printer has the same problem.

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