Feature request: weather

SoloLink is an iOS app that shares your printer(s) over Bluetooth and Wi-Fi so that you can stay connected to your camera and be able to print. It can also share your iPhone's camera to Wifibooth.
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Joined: Thu May 05, 2022 2:09 pm

Feature request: weather

Postby fantasticboasting17 » Thu May 05, 2022 2:16 pm

I just discovered this app after using a similar app on an old FireTablet for many years. That tablet recently died, so I am using an old iPad Mini for our family photo frame in the living room.

The previous Android app had a great feature—it showed the local temperature. Also, I was able to increase the clock size so I could see the time and temp from across the room.

I'd love the same ability here!


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