Performance problems / No mails sent

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Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby johannTBox » Sun Dec 02, 2018 3:36 pm

Hey Tim,

We were at an event yesterday and had some issues with performance and more importantly with sending the final mails.

We had a line of 40 people waiting to take pics but it brought the app to its limits. When in poweruse it would falsely that the printer or the mail doesn’t work. Redoing it helped but sometimes printing and mailing had to be chosen separately.

Maybe the issue is that the app has still many events saved with lots of pictures and gifs. We will clean that up and give further feedback of any improvements.

But now we have the problem, that the event shows 40 emails requested (or sent as the app doesn’t tell the difference) but it didn’t send any. We send a test mail today and it worked and we hoped it would trigger something but didn’t.

On Thursday we had an event on which we let the box stay for the last couple of hours. They only cut the energy but let the iPad on so it was out of battery when we came. This made the app delete the event. And it Never send the Mails. We have the pictures in apple fotos. At least...

I just saw that it also doesn’t load the pics into Dropbox...

Any hints on how to resent the mails? On the blueprint app it has a lot of cache saved up... this help?

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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby tim » Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:41 pm

Hi Johann
It should not matter that there are lots of events / photos / gifs, as long as there is still free space left on the device. Bad things happen when the app tries to write a file and there is no disk space left.

I'm guessing that you were using BluePrint and that you were hitting queue limits: the bluetooth connection can be quite slow depending on the distance between the ipad and the blueprint device, and wifibooth will intentionally only queue some number of things (25 I think) before it will start saying hey, that's going to be such a long wait, better to just fail it. Keep in mind that a collage uploading to dropbox, being emailed, and being printed is at least 3 things. If individual photos are being posted, then 3 x 3 + collage (3) can be 12 things for a set of 3 photos.
My advice for this: turn off individual uploads to Dropbox/facebook, just upload collages only. No, the BluePrint cache will not help you in this case.

Re the app deleting the event: under normal circumstances (including the app crashing or being force-quit) that simply can't happen. The chances of that are about the same as a black hole spontaneously coming into existence right where the camera was. I'm guessing something nefarious happened with the device: ran out of space, some guest changed some settings, don't know. Events don't just get deleted.

Re resending the mails: bad news and good news. The bad news: nothing I can do to help you for this event, as it's not currently possible. The good news: this is exactly what I have been working on. The upcoming update has the "Sharing Center" which shows you all the emails etc that people sent, with the filenames, and lets you hit Resend when something didn't work. Do you want to beta test this?
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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby johannTBox » Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:23 am

Yes, i will send you an email.

Regarding the deleted event: the guests weren’t able to delete something as the iPad was sealed. The Folders in photos are still there but the Event doesn’t show up... and it didn’t load the mails.

Re the 25 queue items: if Dropbox and email is in the same line as printing I don’t really get the procedure here. Our system is not yet connected to the internet while an event. We have technical issues which don’t get it to work.
But with an event with over 300 guests it scares me that after 25 queue items it is already saying that won’t work...

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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby tim » Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:41 am

You are using BluePrint because your wifi connection is connected to your camera, correct?
Then all data packets leaving your iPad either go to the camera over wifi, or to BluePrint over Bluetooth.
Bluetooth is very slow - 10 to 100 times slower than wifi, depending which devices you have (newer bluetooth versions are much faster than older ones).

Every time you print, this has to traverse the slow bluetooth link to get to BluePrint so it can print.
You say your system is not connected to the internet, but: is BluePrint not connected to the internet? It will be sharing it by default to wifibooth. You can turn that off on the BluePrint side...

I got your other message just waiting for Apple to approve the beta.
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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby johannTBox » Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:51 am

Hey Tim,

we didn’t have time for testing as the box was used a lot the last days. But to the issue we are haveing with the mails:

It becomes a big issue for us since non of the client emails have been sent since 3 events. On the last one I switched Dropbox off to see if this works but sadly no.

When we have the iPad connected to WiFi after an event it says that there are no mails in queue... but we see that some clients did request emails. When we then send a picture it works perfectly. It seems like the queue mail process isn’t working working for us :(

Those were events that are not too serious but there are some upcoming. Therefore need to figure out what the issue is.

Thank you

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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby tim » Sun Dec 09, 2018 1:03 pm

Please update to 4.7.0 and use the sharing center. This is what it is for: if for some reason you emails dont send, they can be resent with a touch. You access sharing center from event settings: on the top bar second icon from left

As to why your emails are not sending: what email host are you using? Gmail/google?

Please note when updating to 4.7.0, it will likely sign you out of dropbox, facebook, gmail, and wifibooth service. This is a one-time inconvenience caused by an ios thing.
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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby johannTBox » Sun Dec 09, 2018 1:19 pm


We use gmail. When connected to internet it works fine but when it goes into queue it doesn’t send the files anzmore :/

We didn’t know that 4.7. was out already. Ok we will Update and see how it works.

Thank you.

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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby tim » Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:05 pm

Great looking forward to your feedback.

To help me track down the problem you face:
At the moment that the email goes into the queue, is blueprint connected? If yes, is blueprint set to share internet or not?
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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby johannTBox » Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:24 pm

We always have it turned off.

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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby tim » Sun Dec 09, 2018 3:17 pm

OK. I did some quick testing on my end, and I still cannot reproduce the issue that you are seeing: on my end, the emails show up queued/waiting on the iPad (correct behavior).
Just to confirm, you are saying that you do NOT see the emails queued up on the ipad correct? Perhaps they show as queued up on the ipad for some time after they are sent, but then disappear later?
Any help you can give me to track this down is much appreciated. I want to fix this for you, and for everyone else.
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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby johannTBox » Sun Dec 09, 2018 4:09 pm


Yeah I figured it would be hard to reproduce as we never had those problems before :/

We let customer put in their email and we see on the event name that there were emails out in. But the queue just keeps saying no items left. And in the gmail outbox there are no emails to customers. When we put it back to our internet connection nothing changes. But when we now send a collage for example it just works fine

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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby tim » Sun Dec 09, 2018 5:00 pm

Ok. Can you please do one test for me with 4.7: set up email, test it is sending ok when online, then go offline, send an email from the collage screen or gallery, then immediately (before going online!) make sure you can see this email waiting in the queue. The queue is still visible on the event picker screen and also now the sharing center.
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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby johannTBox » Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:00 pm

The Box is currently in another city for an event so I have to wait until Friday. But when I get it on Friday I am already on the way for the next event. Will it be ok to Update Right before the event. Meaning: are there any other changes than having to login to some services again?

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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby tim » Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:07 pm

It is basically never a good idea to update right before an event. That goes for any app.
4.6.3 -> 4.7.0 is a bigger update than 4.6.2->4.6.3 was, so yes, there are other changes.
You can read about the changes in the Announcements section: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=82
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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby johannTBox » Mon Dec 10, 2018 2:56 pm


Sorry that came out wrong. I meant if there are other things that need to be set up again. I know there are a lot of changes you made ;)

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Re: Performance problems / No mails sent

Postby tim » Mon Dec 10, 2018 3:02 pm

I think the only thing you will definitely have to do is sign in again to facebook, wifibooth service, your google email, and possibly dropbox.
Same thing goes for BluePrint (if you update Wifibooth, please update BluePrint too) -- it will be signed out of wifibooth service
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